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I'm available to talk about

Subconscious Reprogramming

Mindset - Why working on your mindset is so needed in order to flourish in life

How mindset and personal development has helped Barbora on her 14+year journey of expat living

The power of the subconscious mind and how our thinking can change our life

Human Design & Gene Keys - How to integrate these transformational systems in your life and business


Human Design

Expat living


online business


this is just a taste


Official Biography

Barbora Jedlovska is a Transformational and Mindset Coach, Business Mentor, Human Design Guide and an online educator and business owner. 

Barbora unique edge lies in empowering and guiding visionary women, female entrepreneurs, leaders, and change-makers with a mission to simplify their business and grow their business based on their core values, authenticity, lifestyle they want to live, impact they want to make and their own definition of success. 

Barbora's approach is half scientific and half esoteric/spiritual as she strongly believes that both aspects are equally important when it comes to transforming one's life. In her work, she applies evidence-based knowledge from psychology and science of behaviourism, Human Design, neuroscience, quantum physics, spirituality, and energetics.

Love Barbora

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